Mario Favre
Instituto de Física
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Laser Produced Plasmas:

1.      M. Ruiz, F. Guzmán, M. Favre, S. Hevia, N. Correa, H. Bhuyan, H. Chuaqui, and E. Wynham, “Characterization of a Laser Plasmas Produced from a Graphite Target”, 15th International Congress on Plasma Physics (ICPP) & 13th Latin American Workshop on Plasma Physics (August 8-13, 2010, Santiago, Chile), J. Physics: Conf. Series 511, 012064 (2014).

  1. H.M. Ruiz, F. Guzmán, M. Favre, H. Bhuyan, H. Chuaqui and E. Wyndham, “Plasma Species Dynamics in a Laser Produced Carbon Plasma Expanding in Low Pressure Neutral Gas Background”, 14th Latin American Workshop on Plasma Physics (20-25 November, 2011, Mar del Plata, Argentina), J. Physics: Conf. Series 370, 012008 (2012).
  2. H. M. Ruiz, F. Guzmán, M. Favre, H. Bhuyan, H. Chuaqui and E. Wyndham, “Time and space resolved spectroscopic characterization of a laser carbon plasma plume in argon background”, Plasma Sources Sci. and Tech. 21, 034014 (6pp) (2012)

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