17th Latin American Workshop on Plasma Physics
January 20th - January 23rd


(Dinner tickets are sold out)

We are honored to extend our warmest welcome to the esteemed participants of the 17th edition of the Latin American Workshop on Plasma Physics. Join us in the stunning city of Santiago, Chile, as we convene for an enriching exploration of the latest developments in the field.

The Latin American Workshop on Plasma Physics (LAWPP) is a regional meeting with global undertones, whose main purpose is to provide a forum for research carried out in Latin America, while presenting the main trends at the international level on various areas of plasma physics. Therefore, it fosters the establishment of scientific collaborations between Latin American researchers, as well as between them and researchers in developed countries, providing a proper forum to assess their results.

A few days before our Workshop begins, there will be a LAWPP School on Plasma Physics, oriented to students and young researchers whose has recently started their research in plasma physics. The attendees to this School will also have an excellent opportunity to know each other in a friendly atmosphere before facing the main Workshop.

Conference Venue - Casa Central - Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile

Invited speakers

Dr Jean Paul Allain

Associate Director
Office of Fusion Energy Sciences
U.S. Department of Energy

Areas of research:
Nuclear fusion, high energy density plasmas, fusion energy

Dr Tatiana Niembro

Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
Parker Solar Probe Scholar committee member
Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian

Areas of research:
Coronal mass ejection, solar physics, space weather

Dr Ahmed Diallo

Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
Program Director ARPA-E

Areas of research:
Thermonuclear fusion, First Wall Materials for Sustainable Fusion Power Systems

Dr Luis Felipe Delgado-Aparicio

Head of Advanced Projects
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory

Areas of research:
Thermonuclear fusion, Plasma diagnostics, MHD

Dr Cristiane Yumi Koga-Ito

Sao Paulo State University

Areas of research:
Biological applications of plasma technology, microbial control using plasmas

Dr Fellype do Nascimento

Research fellow
Sao Paulo State University

Areas of research:
Cold atmospheric plasmas and electrical discharges for applications in dentistry.

Dr Franck Delahaye

Astronome adjoint
Observatoire de Paris

Areas of research:
Stellar modelling, atomic data and opacities calculations and measurements.

Dr Jeremy Chittenden

Imperial College of London

Areas of research:
High-energy density physics, numerical simulations, Z-pinch, ICF, laboratory astrophysics

Dr Laura Morales

Universidad de Buenos Aires

Areas of research:
Solar physics, self-organized criticality, heliophysics

Dr Gustavo Paganini Canal

Associate Professor
Universidade de Sao Paulo

Areas of research:
Thermonuclear fusion, MHD equilibrium and stability, TCABR

Dr Suyakant Gupta

Institute for Plasma Research, India

Areas of research:
Plasma spacecraft propulsion, plasma thrusters, pulsed power

Previous workshops have been held in Brazil (Cambuquira,1982), Colombia (Medellín, 1985), Chile (Santiago de Chile, 1988), Argentina (Buenos Aires, 1990), Mexico (Mexico City, 1992), Brazil (Foz do Iguaçu, 1994), Venezuela (Caracas, 1997), Argentina (Tandil, 1998), Chile (La Serena, 2000), Brazil (Sao Pedro, 2003), Mexico (Mexico City, 2005), Venezuela (Caracas, 2007), Chile (Santiago de Chile, 2010), Argentina (Mar del Plata, 2011), Costa Rica (San José, 2014) and Mexico (Mexico City, 2017). The 17th version is to be carried out in Santiago on January, 2024.

You may contact the Organizing Committee at lawpp.chile2025@uc.cl