Flavia Zacconi

Dra. Flavia Zacconi
Dra. Flavia Zacconi
+56 2 2354 11 50

Associate Researcher
Faculty of Chemistry
Organic Chemistry









PhD in Chemistry, Universidad Nacional del Sur, Argentina 2009.

Currently, she is working a an Assistant Professor at Faculty of Chemistry of Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

Their research program centers on an inter, multi and transdisciplinary investigations. Prof. Zacconi´ s group research is focused on the development (rational design, chemical synthesis and biological evaluation) of bioactive molecules involved in the human blood clotting cascade; the synthesis of small molecules used in supercritical fluids methodology, and the development of innovative materials for magnetic resonance imaging.

Interest Areas

  • Medical, Biological and Organic Chemistry, design of materials and structural analysis.


